Smashing Monuments

1-channel video inst / landscape & portrait / 50min / stereo / 2022

line producer, Simon Danang Anggoro 
soundscore, Dick Verdult aka Dick el Demasiado
with ruangrupa members, Indra Kusumaaka Ameng / Ade Darmawan / Gesyada Siregar / Farid Rakun & Naga /
Mirwan Andan

Nugraha Salim aka Bota / runner / sound man - Angga Cipta Praditama aka AcipRunner / sound man - Irvin Domi Setiawan - driver / runner / accountant - Armin Hari / backstage photo - Ahmad Syarif Makkatutu aka Aco / runner
Ardy Mistodi / camera Andan’s scene- Ardi Mistodi / drone operator - Muhammad Budiman Nasution / drone operator - AjiSecondary / driver - White Shoes & The Couples Company, Album Vakansi,  Kisah dari Selatan Jakarta Song - Nugraha Salim aka Bota / subtitling- Keke Tumbuan / subtitling editing

serie produced with financial support of Documenta fifteen, the Mondriaan Fonds and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
image view at documenta fifteen, Huebner Areal, 2022.
photo: Nicolas Wefers 

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