Sebastián Díaz Morales was born in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, in 1975 and lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He attended the Universidad del Cine de Antin in Argentina from 1993-1999, the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam from 2000-2001, and Le Fresnoy, Roubaix, France from 2003-2004. Diaz Morales’s conception of reality has been shaped by the living conditions and landscape of his birthplace, Comodoro Rivadivia, an industrial city located on the Atlantic coast, in a rugged area between the Atlantic Ocean and the Patagonian Desert in southern Argentina. His questioning of reality in film, whether concerning landscape, the urban, or even the sociopolitical, has been marked from the very outset by a fundamental distrust of the belief in a single, unified reality. With Díaz Morales, the camera does not function as a medium for faithfully depicting and recording what is observed, but is an essential, even epistemic means for questioning and appropriating reality.

Díaz Morales’s examination of perception and reality is based on the assumption that reality itself is by nature highly fictional. Thus, his films do not simply transport the viewer into another, surreal, or phantasmal realm, but they strip reality of its familiarity and distort it, making it seem like something else. With Diaz Morales, the viewer’s imagination does not function as a basic counterpart to the real. Rather, it operates as a force capable of evoking space and producing it diegetically, one that, beyond generating a direct visual impression, fills in the gaps in seeing and, as the film unfolds, gradually reveals to the viewer the constructedness of what we call reality. Reality is presented here as a phantasm, as something that always eludes its defining in images. It is therefore always “a little bit ahead” of the image and the viewer’s gaze.

His work has been exhibited widely at  venues—such as the Tate Modern, London; Centre Pompidou; Stedelijk Museum and De Appel, Amsterdam; Le Fresnoy, Roubaix; CAC, Vilnius; Art in General, New York City; Ludwig Museum, Budapest; Biennale Sao Pablo; Biennale of Sydney; Miro Foundation, Barcelona; MUDAM, Luxemburg; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon; the Biennale di Venezia and Documenta Fifteen.

His works can be found at the collections of the Centre Pompidou; Tate Modern; Fundación Jumex, Mexico; Sandretto Foundation, Torino; Lemaître's collection; Constantini collection, Buenos Aires; Pinault Foundation, Paris; Sammlung-Goetz, Munich; and the Fundacion de Arte Moderna, Museo Berardo, Lisbon between others.

In 2009 he was awarded with a Guggenheim Fellowship. 

(Adapted from an article by David Komary)

1975 born in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Education / Residencies

2005             Couvent des Recollets, Paris, France
2003             Residence at Le Fresnoy, Studio des Arts Contemporains, Roubaix, France
2000-2001  Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1993-1999  Universidad del Cine de Antín, Capital Federal, Argentina


Solo Exhibitions

Pasajes IV, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, DK

Bienalsur, Les Abatoirs, Toulouse, FR
Smashing Monuments, Kunsthall 3,14, Bergen, Norway
Smashing Monuments, Collective, Edinburgh, Scotland

Miles Marchan (Thousands March), De Pont, Tilburg,
Pasajes, carlier | gebauer, Madrid

Suspension, Kunsthal, Gent, Belgium
Pasajes, Cityscapes Foudation, Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Amsterdam, NL
Open Sketches, Van Zijll Langhout Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, NL

Talk with Dust, carlier|gebauer, Berlin

Talk with Dust, STUK, Leuven, Belgium
The Lost Object, Statenlokaal Tweede Kamer, Den Haag, NL
Insight, Rotterdam Art Fest. & Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam CS
The Lost Object, Statenlokaal Tweede Kamer, Den Haag, NL

En un futuro no muy lejano, Muntref, Ecoparque, BsAs, Argentina
Passages, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems, Austria

Solo Show, Ikono TV, Berlin, NY, Shanghai
The Man with the Bag & Canto Ostinato, Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen, NL (screening life music)
Compilation of works, Caixa Forum, Madrid, Spain (screening Arco)
Insight, Solo presentation Feria Arco, Madrid, Spain

Ficcionario IV, Museum for Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Germany
The Lost Object, gallery carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Suspension and Pasajes IV, Statenlokaal Tweede Kamer, Den Haag, NL

Pasajes, Galeria Pepe Cobo, Lima, Peru
Ficcionario III, Le Fresnoy, Roubaix, France

Ficcionario II, CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania

Ficcionario, Gallery Catherine Bastide, Brussels, Belgium
Cinesonic, Goethe Institute, Amsterdam, NL (screening)
Double Feature, Schirn, Frankfurt, Germany (screening)

Ficcionario, carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
On Cinema and Reality, Videodromo, Ancona, Italy

Solo presentation Open Space, Art Cologne, Germany
Sebastián Diaz Morales, Artsphere gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
Séance Speciales #2, Frac Franche-Compte, Besançon, France

Perspectif Cinema, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Écran d’Art, Cinema Arenberg, Bruxelles, Belgium (screening)
El camino entre dos puntos, Pepe Cobo y cia, Madrid, Spain
Sebastián Diaz Morales, Gallery Natalie Seroussi, Paris, France

Water From the Moon, carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
The Way Between Two Points, solo presentation Frieze art fair,
London, UK

Oracle, École Régionales des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, Grand Galleries, France

The Means of Illusion, carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
The Means of Illusion, Art/Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland

Hi havia una vegada…, The Man With the Bag, Miro Fundation, Espai 13, Barcelona, Spain

Dependents, Attitudes, Genève, Switzerland
Prototypes, carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Lucharémos Hasta Anular la Ley, Yvon Lambert Gallery, Le Studio, Paris, France
N O W H E R E, Experimental Space, Le Plateau, Paris, France
The Man With the Bag, Imagespassages, South American Films, Annecy, France
11 BIM, Biennial of Moving Images, Genève, Switzerland

The Enigmatic Visitor and The Man With the Bag, KW Institute
for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
15000000 Parachutes, The Projected Image (Collection Displays
History/Memory/Society), Tate Modern, London, UK

In a Not So Distant Future, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Compilation Works, MK2, Paris, France
Operación Rescate, Compilation works, MAMBA Museo de Arte Moderno de Bs As, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In Focus Compilation Video Works 1997-2002, World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Apocalyptic Man and One Year Later, Croix Baragnon, Traverse Video, Toulouse, France
The Apocalyptic Man, Buro Empty, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Apocalyptic Man, carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Germany
The Persecution of the White Car, FIAC, Video Cube, Price Winner, Paris, France
Blikwissel, De Paraplue-Fabriek, (with Kostana Banovic), Nijmegen, 
Just Like a That Productions, Museum Abteiberg,Monchengladbach, Germany

The Persecution of the White Car (Open Circuit), n.s.a. Galley, (duo show with Jo Ractliffe), Durban, South Africa

Group Exhibitions

How Did You Come into the World? Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art, JP
H-Box, Gulbenkian Museum, Lisboa, PT
Steps, Bwa Wroclaw, PL
Dis-placed, Konschthal Esch, LU

Pasajes, Bienalsur, Les Abattoirs, Musée
ENCORE & EN-CORPS, Forum Exposition Bonlieu, Annecy, FR
VBVD-prijs, Van Bommel van Dam Museum, Venlo, NL
All Images Will Dissapear, One Day, Autostrada Biannale, Pristina, XK
A 18 minutos del sol, Mamba, Buenos Aires, RA
about:documenta , Neue Galerie, Kassel, DE
Antefutur, Capc, Bordeaux, FR
Bonding, CONARTE, Monterrey, MX
Long Distance, nassima landau, Tel Aviv, IL

Callart1, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wrocław, PL
Documenta 15, Lumbung, Kassel, DE
Extraño, Coleccion Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, CCA, Sevilla, ES
Walk!, Schirn, Frankfurt, DE
Post-Nature, Ulsan Art Museum, KR

ViewMaster, Maastricht, NL
Fully Leaded, Industrieweg 23, Amsterdam
La Suite, Mirada sobre los artistas de la coleccion FRAC, Fundación Proa, Bs As, RA
Simbiología. Prácticas artísticas en un planeta en emergencia, CCK, Bs As, RA

If These Walls Could Talk, Karachi, PK
Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
On Sight, 38CC, Delft, NL

Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, BerlinHome Sequence, Amsterdam
Rencontres Internationales, Louvre, Paris
The Quantum City: Territory | Space | Place, Karachi, PK
Multiverses, Industrieweg 23, Amsterdam

Macro-Asilo, Macro, Rome, IT
Post Water, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, IT
Architectural Healing, De Koepel gevangenis, Haarlem, NL
Nomadic Mountains, Schunck, Heerlen, NL
Dialogues with a collection, Laure Genillard, London
RESPIRE Lemaitre Collection, Herzliya Museum, Tel Aviv, IL
The Biennial of Painting, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle 
(anti)thesis of Architecture, Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok, RU
Un panorama del videoarte Argentino, Museo Nacional de Arte de la
Paz, BO
Nuit de la Culture en Esch, Luxembourg
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, FR & DE
Taguchi art Collection, Hiratsuka Museum of Art, JP
OLHO, Encuentro de la Imagem Contemporanea, Fortaleza
Cinemateca do MAM, Rio de Janeiro, BR

Karachi Biennale, Karachi, PK
Discontinuidades.Ensayo sobre la diversidad. Selección de obras
de la colección Le Maitre, BIENALSUR, Museo de arte hispanoamericano, Buenos Aires, RA
Et dansent sur le papier…, Q-Box gallery, Athens, GR
Tableaux Vivants, Foundation Etrillard, Paris
Viva Arte Viva, Venice Biennale, International show, Venice
Naturaleza, Refugio y recurso del hombre, CCK, Bs As, RA
You Should be an Artist, gallerie Catherine Bastide, Brussels
RA Plataforma Arco 2017, Pantalla de Callao, Madrid, ES
The Extended Moment, gallery carlier | gebauer, Berlin, DE
Milwakee Underground Film Fest., Milwakee, USA
Congreso de Tucuman, 200 años de arte argentino,
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Neuquén
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes “Emilio Caraffa”, Córdoba
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes “Franklin Rawson”, San Juan
Museo de Bellas Artes de Salta.

The Art Show, The Museum of Modern Art Gunma, Gunma, JP
Incomplete Urbanism: attempts of critical spatial practice, CCA, SG
Random Rapid Heartbeats, Tallinn Art Hall, EE
Panorama des frontières, Forteresse de Salses, Salses-Le-Chateau,FR
Congreso de Tucuman, 200 años de arte argentino,
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Tucuman
Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, Rosario
MAR. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo B.A., Mar del Plata, RA
TransAction, Sonsbeek, Arnhem, NL
Unreadable Memories, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, DF, MX
Borges y las Artes, CCK, Buenos Aires, RA
VideoBR em Contexto #1, Galpão VB, Sao Paulo, BR
A l’angle des possibles, Art Orient-Express, Oujda, MA

Seoul Lunar Photo Festival, Seoul, KR
Unerasable Memories, Museum of Applied Arts, Frankfurt, DE
Memorias Imborrables, Marco, Vigo, ES
Le Studio Cinema, Hermès, Tokyo, JP
Sights and Sounds, Jewish Museum New York, USA
SPIN-OFF, Works from Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Centro de
Arte Contemporanea de Quito, EC
Une histoire, art, architecture et design, des années 80 à
aujourd'hui, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
My Buenos Aires, La Maison Rouge, Paris, FR
Tensamientos: más allá de la forma, Salón de Machala, EC
Interfaces, Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires, RA
Memorias Imborrables, Malba, Buenos Aires, RA
La apisonadora y el violin, una travesía por la Colección Meana
Larrucea, Fundación Valentín de Madariaga, Sevilla, ES
This is the Time. This is the Record of Time, AUB art gallery, Beirut, LB
Taguchi Art Collection -Paradigm Shift-, The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, JP

This is the Time. This is the Record of Time, Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam
Unerasable Memories, VideoBR, SESC São Paulo, BR
Les Force Occultes, Le 180, Téteghem, FR

Play, Helsinki Art Museum, FI
15th Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta, ID
Monitoring, Kasseler Dokfest, Kassel, DE
18th International Contemporary Art Festival SESC_VideoBR, São Paulo, BR
Espaces In/Civils, Institut Francais Istanbul, TR
Muslihat, OK Video Festival, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID
De Leur Temps IV, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, FR
Summertime Readings, CAC, Vilnius, LT
Incorruptible Views: Images in Present Continuous, Hotel de
Inmigrantes, Buenos Aires, RA
Cosmovideografias, Centro nacional de las artes, DF, MX
Summertime Readings, Cesis Art Festival, LV
Petrobras Prize, ArteBa, Buenos Aires, RA

Abattoir, De Balie, Amsterdam, NL
Open end, Goetz Collection, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE
Premio Mamba y Fundacion Telefonica, Buenos Aires, RA
Espejos:...del camino incierto al pais de las maravillas,
Espacio Haroldo Conti, Buenos Aires, RA
Grote Kunst voor Kleine Mensen, Museum De Paviljoens, Almere, NL
Itinerary Awarded Works, 17th International Festival of
Contemporary Art VideoBR, BR
SESC São Paulo: Campinas
SESC Rio Preto, Sao José do Rio Preto
SESC Santos, Santos
Press Play, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, IT

Digital Marrakech, Marrakech, MA
Flesh, Ok Video Festival, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID
17th International Contemporary Art Festival SESC_VideoBR, São Paulo, BR
The Materialized Memory, Depo, Istanbul, TR
Coup d'éclat, Fort du Bruissin, XI Biennale de Lyon, FR
Alrededor de algo que nos piensa: alrededor, Centro Cultural San Carlos, DF, MX
Black and White, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, PL
Time and Place, Kunsthalle Detroit, USA
The Materialized Memory, Total Museum, Seoul, KR
Oracle, Smart Project Space, (Erroristas screening), Amsterdam, NL
HBox, Artsonje Center, Seoul, KR
Box(e), Gallery Jerome Zodo, Milan, IT
Manières Noires, BAM - Musée des Beaux-Arts, Mons, BE

Ruang Rupa and Friends, National Gallery of ID,
Jakarta, ID
The Plot Thickens, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL
Biennale de Belleville, Paris, FR
Tales of Resistance and Change, Frankfurter Kunstverein, DE
VIDEOXXI, Museo de arte de Lima, PE
You-We, 25 Videos from Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Milan, IT
Lands End. Landscape as Image and as Space, Shedhalle Zurich, CH
Copacabana n'existe pas!, ERBA, École règionale des beaux-arts de Besançon, FR

Les Enfants terribles, Fundacion/Colección Jumex, Ecatepec, MX
Presque Rien III, Laure Genillard Gallery, London, UK
The World Is Yours, Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, DK
Vista / Visual Tactics, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo,
Sevilla, ES
Art at the Centre of a Responsible Transformation of Society
Collezione FRAC Piemonte, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, IT
Animated Paintings, El Cubo, Centro Cultural Tijuana, Tijuana, MX
Vista / Visual Tactics, C3 Center for Culture & Communication
Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
Pertenencia, Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, RA
Bewogen Beelden, Grote of Lebuinuskerk, Deventer, NL
...Expectations, MB Art Agency, Amsterdam, NL
On Joy, Sadness and Desire, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, NL
HBox, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, USA
Identities, Espacio Escala-Cajasol, Sevilla, ES
In Search of the Unknown, Montevideo Time Based Arts, Amsterdam, NL
Animated Paintings, Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College, Iowa,USA

Déplacements, Frac Franche-Comté, Besançon, FR
Dans la nuit des images, Grand Palais, Paris, FR
Scolt Head Screenings, The Scolt Head, London, UK, (screening)
Vista / Visual Tactics, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, DE
Strategies for Concealing, C Space gallery, Beijing, CN
Present / Future, Artissima, Turin, IT
Intervals, Argos, Brussels, BE
HBox, Yokohama Triennale, JP
Nach/sichten, Edith Russ Site for Media Art, Oldenburg, DE
HBox, Tate Modern, London, UK
Locked-In: The Visible, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
HBox, MUDAM, Luxembourg
Paisaje entrañable-extrañable, Fondo Nacional de las Artes,
Buenos Aires; Ceptur, Comodoro Riv.; Hotel Design, Bariloche, RA
Resonant visions: Contemporary video from L.America, National
Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Geopolíticas de la animación, MARCO, Vigo, ES
Murmuring Images, Centre photographique d’Ile-de-FR, Pontault-Combault, FR
Selected Videos of the Lemaitre Collection, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel, DE
HBox, MUSAC, León, ES

HBox, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Residents, Espace Elektra, Paris, FR
Animated Paintings, San Diego Museum of Art, USA
Territories de la Image, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, FR
State of World, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
Geopolíticas de la animación, CAAC, Sevilla, ES
Homenaje a Hector Oesterheld, Museo de arte y Memoria, La Plata, RA
A for Alibi, De Appel, Amsterdam, NL
The Berardo Museum, Opening, Lisbon, Portugal
Thessaloniki Biennale, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, GR
Dark Mirror, Montevideo Time Based Arts, Amsterdam, NL
The Distorted Fabric, De Appel, Amsterdam, NL;
Platform Garanti, Istanbul, TR, (screening)
View Master, Q-Box gallery, Athens, GR

ON/OFF, Frac Lorraine, Metz, FR
Just in Time, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Muestra del Premio MAMbA Fundación Telefónica, Arte y Nuevas
tecnologias, Buenos Aires, RA
Nit Niu, Palma de Mallorca, ES
Volkskrant Kunst Prijs, Gemeente Museum Den Haag, NL
Biennale of Sydney, Zones of Contact, Australia
Nederland1, Stedelijk Museum, Gouda, NL
Una vision du monde, La collection video de Jean Conrad et
Isabelle Lemaitre, La Maison Rouge, Paris, FR

Buenos Dias Santiago, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Santiago de Chile, CL
Hidden Rhythms, Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, NL
Torino Trienalle, Pantagruel, Castello di Rivoli, IT
Inverting the Map, Tate Liverpool, UK
Banquete Comunicacion, Centro de Arte Digital en las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ES
Kiosque Video, Atheneum, Centre culturel de l'université de Bourgogne, Dijon, FR
Cinematic Language, LMAK Projects, Duo Show together with Mike Hoolboom, Chelsa, NY, USA
No Convenient Subway Stops, Art in General, NY, USA
Imagens Intermitentes: Arte Argentino Contemporaneo, Centro Cultural de España, Lima, PE
E-flux Video Rental, Screening together with work from Atlas Group/Walid Raad, NY, USA
Banquete comunicacion, Conde Duque Madrid, ES

Ralentie Vite, Le Plateau, Paris, FR
Situations Construites Attitudes, Genève, CH
Dedicated for a Proposition, EXTRA CITY, Antwerpen, BE
Video Village, Trienale di Milano, Milano, IT
Surfacing, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
De Leurs Temps, Collections Privées Française, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, FR
Shanghai Biennale, Techniques of the Visible, Shanghai, CN
Eblouissement, Jeu de Paumes, Paris, FR
Salon Van Bommel, Venlo, NL
Emotion Eins, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE
World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam, NL
Panorama 5, Le Fresnoy, Roubaix, FR
How Soon Is Now, Caermersklooster, Gent, BE
Todo va a estar bien, (screening program) Programa Rufino
Tamayo, Ciudad de MX, MX
Views in Asia, The Store, Paris, FR

Maelstrom, DeFKa, Department voor Filosofie en Kunst, Assen, NL
Cine Casi Cine, Programa Reina Sofia, Madrid, ES
Kaleidoscopio, Galeria Pepe Cobo, (together with Francis Alys, Bruce Nauman and Colectivo Cambalache), Sevilla, ES
Coexistence, Rose Museum, (together with William Kentridge, Tracey Rose) Boston, USA
Cine Casi Cine, MARCO, Museo de arte Contemporaneo de Vigo, ES
Circus Maximus, Lazy Marie, Utrecht, NL,(screening program)

Animo, Museum Beelden aan zee, (together with Boukje Janssen) Den Haag / Scheveningen, NL
View Master (with Jeroen de Rijke and Anri Sala), NICC, Antwerp, BE
Telepathic Journeys, MIT, List Visual Art Center, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
Artis Den Bosch, Den Bosch, NL
25th Biennial of São Paulo, (in collaboration with Jo Ractliffe) São Paulo, BR
Bud Cuyp, Amsterdam, NL, (screening program)
Van Bommel Van Dam Museum Prijs, Venlo, NL (Prize Winner)

Open Atelier Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, NL
Joubert Park Project, Johannesburg, ZA
In the Meantime Program, Biennale Berlin, DE, (screening program)
In the Meantime Program, Reina Sofia de Madrid, ES, (screening program)
In the Meantime Program, De Balie, Amsterdam, NL, (screening program)
In the Meantime, De Appel, Amsterdam, NL
PICAF Pusan International Contemporary Art Festival, Pusan, KR
Silent Forces, Hall Pusat Kebudayaan Jepang, Jakarta, ID

The Story of the Dutch Hole, Open Atelier Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, NL
Argentinie, Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
(installation together with Patricio Larrambebere)

Film / Video Festivals and screenings

 IFFR, Smashing Monuments, world premiere, NL

Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah, UAE

 TIAMAT, Comic Home Base, Wanchai, HK
Rencontres Internationales, Cite des Arts, Paris
Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF
Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Art Night Festival, British Film Institute, London

IDFA, Amsterdam, NL
FestiFreak, La Plata, RA
Videomedeja, Novi Sad, CS
Antimatter [Media Art], Victoria, BC, CA
AMIFF, Harstad, NO
Split Film Festival, Split, HR
CineSonic, Studio K, Amsterdam, NL
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, CZ
Screening Filmhallen prior avant-premier Song to Song, Amsterdam
Screening Lima, Amsterdam, NL
Rencontres Paris, Gaite Lyrique, FR
Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlijn
Roterdam Film Fest., Tiger competition, Rotterdam, NL

Rencontres Paris, Gaite Lyrique, FR
West Wednesdays, Dijktheater Amsterdam
Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
ASCA: Transparency / opacity, LIMA programma, LAB111, Amsterdam

STRP- Eindhoven, video-programma FIBER
Les Recontres Internationales Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Lima Independiente Festival Internacional de Cine
Cairo Video Festival, Medrar for Contemporary Art

Re-screening 5th Cairo Video Festival, Medrar, Egipt
Rencontres Internationales, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, FR
Directions, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL
Online vertoning, Suburban, Rotterdam, NL

Rotterdam Film festival, Tiger Competition, NL
Cinesonic, Goethe Instituut Amsterdam, NL
Courtisane Festival 2013, Gent
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, DE
VideoEX, Zurich, CH
Media art screening programme, Kotka International Video and Electronic Festival, FI
MUSLIHAT OK. Video - 6th Jakarta International Video Festival, ID
Into The Great Wide Open, Vlieland, NL
Incubate, Tilburg, NL
5th Cairo Video Festival, Medrar
Seoul International New Media Festival, KR
Film Program Rijksakademie, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Instants Vidéo, Marseille, FR
30. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest, DE

Bafici, Buenos Aires, RA

Dutch Film Week, Femina Institute for Culture and Citizenship, Rio
de Janeiro, BR
Techno Ecologies Festival, Riga, LV

(Festivals with feature film El Camino entre dos Puntos)
Hors Pistes 2011, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
8th World Film Festival of Bankok, TH
24th Leeds International Film Festival, Leeds, UK
10th Era New Horizons, Warsow, PL
12 Bafici, Independent Film Festival, Buenos Aires, RA
39th International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL
Loop Video Art Fair, Barcelona

Fresh Festival, Bangkok, TH
Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival, DE
Cercle Artistic de Sant Lluc, Barcelona, ES
Ars Electronica, NIMk/GAMA presents… Linz, AT
25 FPS International Experimental Film and Video Festival Zagreb, HR
ZEMOS 98 Audiovisual Festival, Sevilla, ES
Tower Bridge, residential moorings, London, UK
International KurzFilmTage Oberhausen, DE
Lebuinuskerk, 'Bewogen Beelden', Deventer, NL
25th Hamburg International Short Film Festival, DE
Smart Project Space, UvA Media Studies, Amsterdam, NL
International Festival du film de la Rochelle, FR
The Great Wide Open, Vlieland, NL
Contemporary Art Center, Lite Brite Test, Cincinnati, USA
Videoex, Zürich, CH (First Prize winer)
International Festival du film de la Rochelle, FR
International KurzFilmTage Oberhausen, DE
38th International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL

Cinema l'Entrepot, Paris, FR
Centre pour l'image contemporaine Saint Gervais,
Déambulation, Genève, CH

DasArts, The Glamour of Violence, Amsterdam, NL
OK Video Festival, Jakarta, ID
ART event Benevento, IT
Trunk, Östersund, SE

Nordland Kunst og Film Skole, lecture Karel Doing, NO
Shortfilmfestival Hamburg, DE
Havenfilmfestival, Antwerp, BE
Holland Animation Filmfestival, Utrecht, NL
Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln, DE

Galerija savremene umetnosti Ivan Grubanov, Pancevo, CS and Montenegro
Various Film theatres,  Filmbank tour, NL
Milano Film Festival, Milan, IT
Media Art Festival Friesland, Leeuwarden, Harlingen, NL
Lux Cinema, "Beeldcultuur Filmfront", Nijmegen, NL
Kunst Film Biennale, Cartography of the South, Cologne, DE
NL Media Art Institute, "50% beeld", Amsterdam, NL
25th FPS Festival, Zagreb, HR
ARTIMAGE, "Medien und Architektur Bienniale", Graz, AT
Nijmegen University, Nijmegen, NL
Potenza Film Festival, Potenza, IT
Bafici Festival, Buenos Aires, RA
Rencontres internationales Berlin/Paris, noveau cinema et art
contemporain, MK2, Paris, FR
15th festival Internacional de Arte Electronica, Video BR,
São Paulo, BR
Experimenta Colombia, Bogota, CO

Images Festival, Toronto, CA
Laboratorio Arte Alameda, MX
Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Minas Gerais, BR
Museo Victor Meirelles, Santa Catarina, BR
Chroma Festival de Arte Audiovisual, Guadalajara, MX
Goethe Institut/ICBA, Bahia, BR
Nederlands Film festival, Utrecht, NL

Video Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Special Award of the Jury)
WWVF  at Videolisboa and Rencontre d'Images
Cine Metropolis UFES, Espirrito Santo, BR
14th Festival Internacional de Arte electronica, VideoBR, São Paulo, BR, (first prize winner)
World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam, NL
WORM, Rotterdam, NL
PLAY, "Best of Videoex", Berlin, DE
Impakt Festival, Utrecht, NL
Videoex, Zürich, CH
International Short Film Festival, Hamburg, DE
Festival International du Film d'Amiens, FR
Highlights Impakt Festival, Stuttgart, DE
LACUNE, LUX Cinema, Nijmegen, NL/ Wrights Rock Shop, Hot Springs, Texas, USA

Filmstad PEK, Den Haag, NL
Viper Film and Video Festival, Basel, CH
Kurtz Film Festival, Hamburg, DE
Impakt Festival, Utrecht, NL
International Film Festival of Rotterdam, NL
Highlights Impakt Festival
Kraak Festival, Hasselt, BE
Videoteca Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, RA
ANNEXIA, cinéma Le Cratère, Toulouse, FR
MICRO FESTIVAL, The Red House, centre for culture and debate, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sonar 2002, Barcelona, ES
Lowlands Festival, Biddinghuizen, NL
Uitmarkt, Amsterdam, NL
Culture Beat, Stadschouwburg, Utrecht, NL
Festival 'De Opkomst', Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, NL
Hospital Festival, Lighthouse Media Centre, Brighton, UK

Impakt Festival voor Vernieuwende beeld en Geluidscultuur
Centraal Museum, Utrecht, NL
World Wide Video Festival Melkweg and W139, Amsterdam, NL

Independent Film and Video Festival, NY, USA *
World Wide Video Festival, Melkweg and W139, Amsterdam, NL

*winner of a price or an award

Grants / Prizes

Shortlisted for Petrobras Prize, ArteBa, Buenos AiresRA
Honorable Mention, VIDEOMEDEJA, Novi Sad, CS
Special Mention Faena Prize, Buenos Aires, RA
First Prize Mamba & Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, RA
Honorific Mention, 17th international Contemporary Art Festival
SESC_VideoBR, São Paulo, BR
Guggenheim Fellowship, New York, USA
First Prize Videoex, Zurich, CH
Special Mention, Short Film Fest Oberhausen, DE
Nominated for Tiger Awards, Film Festival Rotterdam
2008 Hubert Bals Fonds, Financial Contribution, Rotterdam, NL
2005 Second Prize Mamba & Fundacion Telefonica, Buenos Aires,
First Prize, 14th Festival Internacional de Arte electronico
VideoBR, São Paulo, BR
Special Award from the Jury, VIDEOLISBOA, Lisboa, Portugal
Grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs NL, for
RAIN Network MX City
FIAC Art Fair Prize, Video Cube, Paris, FR
Grant from Mondriaan Foundation NL
11th Van Bommel Van Damprijs, Venlo, NL
Grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs NL, for
RAIN Network Jakarta
Grant at Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, NL
Grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs NL, for
RAIN Network Durban
Grant Fundacion Antorchas, RA
Best Experimental Feature Movie Independent Film and Video
Festival, NY, USA

Works in public and private collections

Neue Galerie, Kassel, DE
Kunsthaus, Zurich, CH
Kadist Foundation, San Francisco, USA
Tate Modern, London, UK
Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Francois Pinault Collection, FR
Sammlung-Goetz, Munich, DE
Coleccion Jumex, MX City, MX
Fundacion La Caixa, Barcelona, ES
Colección Cajasol, Sevilla, ES
Museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo, NL
Private collectors Isabelle and Jean Conrad Lemaitre, London, UK
Private collector Ilene Kurtz-Kretzschmar, New York, USA
Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, IT
Fundacao de Arte Moderna, Collection Berardo Museum, Lisboa, PT
FRAC Franche-Compte, Besançon, FR
FRAC Regione Piemonte, FR
Several other works in private collections